For Corporates & NGOs
Stimulus R&D Lab
Educulture is the practice of learning through the lens of our unique heritage and living culture through the arts and society as Africans. Combining Educulture with Digital Transformation enables us to achieve a paradigm shift towards good stewardship and sustainability of the enterprise.

Our mentorship programmes have four levels;
- Ideas channel : Stimulus has a pool of consultants and professionals from various backgrounds whom we assemble into Innovation Teams to tackle challenges faced by a client business and the result is a generation of ideas that can be developed further into solutions that address the problem and add value.
- Digital Solutions : Digital Transformation is a leading game changer for companies across the continent who are embracing digital tools to enable business growth and sustainability. Through our pool of ICT professional consultants we are able to design and implement digital transformation strategies that best suit your business needs.
- Customer Engagement
- Research and Feedback - through mystery shopping , online feedback gathering and focus groups.
- Intrepreneurship - training for your staff can teach them to be customer focused and innovative in service delivery which will enhance your customer experience.
Project Management
The Stimulus Coaching Clinics offer:
- Project & Programme Management Training : Stimulus offers project and programme management training and capacity support for NGO’s and companies that are seeking to uskill their staff and expand their product of service lines. Stimulus runs training programmes four times a year and can also develop a bespoke training solution for an organisation upon request
- Virtual Project Management Office : Stimulus offers a Virtual Project Management Office (PMO) which enables an organisation to have the full benefit of a project management office without the overhead cost of recruiting one in-house. Our Virtual PMO office has Project Managers, Business Analysts, Change Managers and Innovation Managers who can be deployed to work on your project to deliver value.

Programme Designs
Stimulus through its Resilient Communities Programme has been working with NGO’s for a number of years designing programmes that support the economic empowerment of women and young people. We tailor our programme to suit the organisation’s specific objectives and target beneficiary groups.
The programme is suitable for promoting the development of income generating programmes for people in both urban-high density areas as well as rural communities. Our resilient communities programming is supported by training tools suitable for people with low literacy levels.
This service has also benefited Corporate clients seeking to have an impact through their Social Responsibility.